Monday, August 31, 2009

Worth My Fight

Corrupt as your heart and conscience had become, you have finally found the courage to race back to where it is you belong.
As you crash through a breaking night, a host of temptations and darkened reasons find you in your vulnerable states of silence, yet you have kept the course and strive closer and closer to where you have always belonged.
Days upon days, as you beg and plead for your soul to be made white and pure in Him, those noisy demons of yesterday peck at your weaknesses and call to the senses of a vagabond finally made humble.
Being not deaf to the sweet calls toward lust and faster times, you have yet to relent, basing your strength in Him and His holy righteousness instead.
He is softly calling you back to where you started, calling you even further to a place you have never been, a place where you are free to be who you were always meant to be in Him.
Even as thousands of distractions and temptations are heaped upon your bruised and bloodied head, you fight your good and holy fight ever the stronger, ever the more, knowing within your brightened soul that every scrape, every wound is worth it all if only to be back in Him, living and breathing with an unburdened love of all things He has seen fit to place in your life.
Keep fighting your way back to that place of reverence and peace.
He is waiting with yearning mercy in hand, pleading for you to brush past that and those which only wish to see you fall and crawl back to sorrowful sin.
Keep fighting, healed soul, for once you reach that hallowed land of blessings and hope, you will see with a freshened conscience that it has all been worth your proud and steadfast fight.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Closer Now

Now listen for those angels' voices and frighten not against their words.
A fresh anointing has mercifully fallen upon your beaten brow and great things are once again required.
You have searched far and deep, desperately looking for a place to safely belong when He has been divinely waiting patiently for your stubborn walls to fall and a soft understanding to take hold.
He has called for you over and over again without yielding for He loves you without condition and desires for you to be closer.
Your life has been burnt to a feeble ground so He may do what He wishes.
The pain and consequence of a wasted life are fleeting to a far off land, never returning without a holy permission granted, leaving you to breathe easy in grace.
Keep Him closer now and you will find the peace and mercy you have craved.
It is there, waiting.
You've broken the bad away to make room for His will.
It is time now, and perfectly now, for you to be eternally whole.