Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Canvas, Your Work

From my childhood, Your hand has guided my life.
Stubbornly, I’ve balked at Your direction more than my fair share but all the while, You’ve smiled and quietly steered me toward goodness, toward Your plan.
I’ve found myself rushing back to You, needing to consult Your blueprint so that I may be led to what is best for me and my blessed life.
I’ve seen my existence as bare; a blank canvas which I hand to You, hoping Your masterful strokes of wonderment will paint greatness into my life.
Seeing Your beautiful work in those around me, I crave to be painted as Yours because without You, I am an abstract work of shallow strokes and confusing colors.
The desire to forge my own path, to create my own lacking destiny no longer dwells within my brush.
My life I humbly hand to You; my canvas I commission into Your fold, relenting my steps to follow You from here forth.
So now paint me as You wish for my days are Yours, my life is mercifully delivered into Your gorgeous work.