Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As I Lift My Hands To You

In my past, when days were dark and time did nothing but crawl, I found it necessary to surrender myself to You on a constant basis. Doing so seemed fitting and right, relieving my pain and allowing me to continue my life’s journey without restraint. As I knelt before You, I would raise my hands in a symbolic gesture to show that I had but given up, surrendered and wanted nothing except for You to have Your will and do what You wished in my life. For hours, my arms cried for relief as they humbly hung in tribute to You and Your mighty ways. I mumbled through a choking throat that I was unworthy of what and who You are. I fought through those dark days because You were there waiting for me daily without hesitation or failure.
Now, as my days have brightened and my times fly free with blessings, I still feel the desire to raise my hands, to lift my arms to You. Yet, as I complete this act that once stood for surrender, I do so with a smile on my lips and a warming heart. This symbolic gesture has taken on its own meaning in my life. For I now lift my arms in a new meaning of burning victory and brimming accomplishment. With Your help and mercy, I have fought through the tough times and earned the right to raise my hands in complete and total victory in my battle for all the things that I hold dear. Victory is mine through You and it shall forever be so.

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