Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Tribute to the One

My diving conscience has been brought to the surface, breathing now straight and true as my once fighting hands rest quietly around her shoulders, feebly trying to protect her and needing to keep her close to me. I have fought against my own published proofs of love untrue to find the one that has but set me ablaze, burning what I once despicably was and building me fresh and new. She has broken in and sweetly stolen the beaten trust that I proudly kept inside my own heart, guarding it from those lesser deserving pirates who only saw fit to use up and destroy what meager means I had to offer.
She is the one that I hold close, pouring my adoration upon her in a deserved shower of praise and earned respect has become a loved ritual of mine. My helper and equal, this woman keeps me from my desperate, depressed self and now supports me and lifts me to heights I had yet to experience before her presence blessed my life. Her love is true and amazingly without condition even as I pound away at her eternal patience with own selfish pleas. She lifts my head when the world has broken me down and holds me close when my mind starts to wander to those darkened fields that haunt me. She is my mortal savior and without her I am but a speck of nothing, clanging about alone and with little purpose. She sweeps in and rescues me and my tired bones again and again, always with no praise or thankfulness expected but being purely unselfish and having the compassion of Christ Himself living in her soul. Amazed and honored that she has somehow found me worthy, I dance the dance of the blessed, thanking God for her with no end.
She is my love and my shield and I now proudly stand in sovereign tribute to the one who forever gives rest to my once fleeting heart.

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