Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Climb Above

Come now and watch as I climb higher. I look back not toward you, down amongst your regrets and hidden sins, but rather push on toward my heavenly but attainable goals.
I have paid my dues and bled my sinners blood dry, completely crashing in a devious, burning wreck after running lost for so long.
I have been rebuilt in His image and will only taste the ways of a holy God from these days and on forth.
You may stand there and hurl your tired insults of my aching past, claiming I am too used and unwitnessed in my resurrection to be made new.
So please, press my burning sins of long ago to my proud chest and allow them to brand me for your own pleasure.
Spit your contempt toward all who know of me if only to see if your sinister sneers are supported.
You may do and say as you wish against me and my now Godly journey.
I wish thee well and shine on.
I am as I am not as I was and I, the saintly zealot, will shout my trying triumphs to the skies as I scale the melting mountains of public opinion and come out free, the God-blessed victor again and again.
I have been handed a purpose.
You and your sniping snarls shall not drag me down.
So come now, watch my cruising climb as I rise above the ashes of who I was and rush toward who I am called to be.
Keep cutting your eyes and whispering your rank rumors, they do little to deter me from my given greatness.
I am eternally tried and true, closing constantly closer to the briliant blueprintof a genius God.
Come now and watch me climb...

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