Saturday, January 2, 2010


Once captured safely back in the holy graces of your Father, you've found yourself wrapped both in peace and strength.
Doing what you must to hold His merciful favor day by day, you've happily surrendered your past dealings of debauchery and ghastly hidden sins.
Racing forth with a tender heart has left you smiling but daunted as the repeating mistakes of weaknesses and timid flesh have caused a cautious concern to wash you in a subtle but unmistakable fear.
Wishing to stay your given course of salvation and peace, you fervently desire the recalibration of your soul's fortification and the lacing of your conscience with an iron willed goodness becomes a righteous obsessions, costing you sleep and berating your mind.
You've given up your wicked, fleshly ways of the young past and retreating down toward those calling catacombs of lust, stubborness and pride has become a fight you refuse to lose.
The pleading prayer of perfect protection rushes from your nightly lips as you feel your mind and body girded against a relentless enemy's pressing attacks, strength and honor instead taking the dying places of softened weakness and compromising fates.
You've been fortified and restrengthened by the mighty God of Moses and held close in His chosen will.
So you must sleep well, my soul, for your fear of ferocious regression must now find a new home.

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