Saturday, January 2, 2010

You've Forgotten

Oh, how easily it slips your mind.
You sit rigid in your chosen pew, half-heartedly clapping your hands to the repeating renditions of faith.
Your mind wanders to less worthy places of your life, ignoring the merciful salvations of a great God.
How shyly you capture the words of the beautifully blessed speaker a righteous Savior put in your life, not only forgetting the devious places He's brought you from but also ignoring the shattered events He has entirely kept you from.
You've forgotten the firing spirit that first coursed through your burning veins upon relenting your beaten soul to God.
Instead you choose to merely let the fresh saints take your once coveted place in a praise-driven service.
You've forgotten the bold release you were granted from a cursed life, simply allowing a crawling time to take from you your desire to worship.
You've forgotten you're a chosen child of Him and it is but a given right and commanded blessing to heap gracious mounds of praise to the smiling King that shelters your days.
So now, with renewed might, remind yourself of the crowded ways you've come and softly shake your dormant praise loose.
Push all you have in tribute and sacrifice to the amazing Messiah who whispered a saving grace through your broken bones.
Forget not from where you've come but release yourself in fervent praise and race back to where you've belonged.

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