Friday, January 23, 2009

Fallen in Love (An Ode to Goodbye)

Only again and again do they turn their backs and walk away.
Your heart tries to choke out a plea, a plea of forgiveness and love that is buried and unproven but it dies in your stricken throat.
As you are deserted for a happier less brazen soul, you only want that warm companionship that is eternally promised but is seemingly always out of your desperate reach. Your cold fingers claw and search for anyone or anything that will be still and allow you to rain your pitiful blows of desperation upon them, taking them in an unconditional love. None have withstood such crashing actions and with fair reasons. They stare in disbelief and shock at your demands in the name of love. So they say their sorrowful goodbyes with heavy worded sessions of regret and pain. You have chased another away. You have chased them all away.
As your madness drives them from you yet again, they all beat the dirty hot streets in a crowded tribute to your selfishness and raw, seeking love.
What is it that you desire? So many have laid bare their soul to you, providing a subtle love that was never good enough for such a sad heart, that was never sufficient for the coward that lies within your loveless soul.
They have been there for you. Many have reached out to you and asked you to love them back but they had asked too much from such a fickle being. Afraid to show your true self to any that stood tall in your presence, you have shied away again and again in such a childish and desperate attempt for attention.
Love and adoration could have been yours. Many have been willing. But they were never quite good enough for you and without a cause or reason. You now are the chaser.
They have deserted the futile mission for your stubborn hard heart. Too many mistakes and failures have driven them into a cold night that is simply warmer than the frigid clutch of your beggar’s soul.
You have failed. Compassion is not yours to bless.
So sit there in the punishing silence. Think upon such greatness that you have turned your melancholy gaze from. You are alone in your black days and dark nights unless that change of fair play is made. Until this is accomplished, selfish soul, you have fallen in love.

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