Friday, January 23, 2009

The Prayer of a Selfish Soul

I have been everything except what I should. I have fought for my own way over Yours and I have done nothing but fallen short. I am here for the sole purpose of requesting Your mercy once again.
I have chased my own dreams and tried to burn my own way through the busted world to no avail. I have been a stubborn fool who only cares about what he can accomplish and who he can impress. I feel as though I am nothing but a jester of chance that it is completely unworthy of everything You are.
I have come to the broken realization that without You, I am nothing, my God. I need you in every part of my life. Without You directing my steps, I do nothing but wander the days and nights of a desperate world that is rife with disappointment and failure. But with You, there is joy and there is love. With You, I am everything I should be, everything I am capable of being.I have been a selfish soul and I am here, on my battered knees, whispering my hallelujahs and begging for a forgiveness from You that I am forever in need of.
Forgive me, sweet Lord. Make me what I need to be. Let my tattered heart burn for You as it should. I relent everything I am to You. I hand over every part of my withered life so that You may do with me as You see fit. Use me so that I may be proof to a dying world that there
is a God of mercy and unconquered love.
Clean my selfish soul. Take everything that is not of You and make me whole once again. I am here, God. I have made the final choice to quit my dashing about and be still in Your ever pure ways.
In Your perfect will, let it be so.

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing prayer from a humble soul. It is excruciating for me to pray it but it is necessary. Thank you.
